
Sensorial education is very important, specially in the child’s formative years. It assists the child in her neurological and psychological growth. It heightens the senses and helps organize learning. In addition, it indirectly prepares the child for life, directing her attention towards the environment and the activities she might be professionally interested later on.

Anyone who walks into a Montessori classroom marvels with the quality and beauty of the sensorial materials. They are designed with scientific precision and their bright and bold colors make them quite attractive to the child. Some of them also appeal to the child’s need for movement, such as the red rods and the pink tower.

There is an order and sequence to present each of the materials. They are grouped according to their physical qualities such as form, texture, dimension, etc., each one focusing in only one characteristic in order to not confuse the child. All the materials have a control of error that allows for the child working independently to self-correct.

Learn more about the Montessori sensorial exercises by watching the video below, courtesy of LePort Schools.