Our Philosophy

Blue Lotus Montessori embraces the philosophy and the educational method created by Maria Montessori more than a century ago.


Learning from Within

At Blue Lotus Montessori we nurture the child’s need for freedom by creating a rich environment with lots of motives for her to work and engage in her explorations. We follow the child and allow her to experience learning from within.


The Needs of the Child Comes First

We put the needs of the child above the needs of the adults. So we have happy children at our classroom!  They are active, motivated, engaged, and busy working at the activities of their choice.


Learning at Own Pace

We understand that every child is unique and learn at her own pace. Therefore, we respect each child and give her plenty of opportunities to develop concentration, to make mistakes and learn from them, and to work without adult interruption.


Educating the Whole Child

Montessori saw the human spirit at work in the child. Likewise, we see the child as a whole being, endowed of a body, mind, and spirit. For that reason, our educational goal is not to develop the child’s intellect. Rather, we are interested in developing the whole child. We want to aid her in the fulfilling of her potential as a human being






For an overview of the Montessori philosophy, watch the video below, courtesy of the American Montessori Society.







